How I evaluate differently in my daily life versus in my teaching life versus in my professional evaluator life?
I wrote the following as a kind of self-interview as I was exploring the differences in my evaluation life as a professional evaluator, as a teacher, and as a family member. I wanted to think about how my views on values, evaluands, stakeholders, etc vary across those settings. I also wanted to explore how these issues might be of importance in understanding others' evaluation lives. These notes were included in Gong's materials on my evaluation life. DDW Fieldnotes--Three Categories of My Evaluation Life Started 9/30/2011 and completed 10/14/2011 The thing I want to dictate is my thoughts about my self-evaluation or how I evaluate. I do more than self-evaluation although that's one of the things I do evaluate. So, I think one of the 1st things I need to talk about is to distinguish between how I think about evaluation as a field, what I'm trying to learn and say about it as a researcher and as an evaluation professional, compared to how I evaluate in my...