I've been reading everything I could find by Truman Madsen, my Philosophy 110 professor from 1971. As I've listened to his talks about insights from Joseph Smith I've realized that these fundamentals have driven much of my interest in the foundations for evaluation over the last 45+ years. But, unfortunately, I just discovered his Eternal Man (1966) book which summarizes these fundamentals and connects them to the philosophers I've tried to understand over this time in just 80 pages! I wish I had studied and assigned this book to all my evaluation students over the years. It would have helped me explain my views and why I think of evaluation as I do so much better than I was able to explain them myself. The brief review of the book by Chauncey Riddle from volume 8 (1968) of BYU Studies copied below and Chapter 1 of Madsen's book provide an outline of issues that give me the great hope that all people can be much better evaluators than most evaluation writers gi...