The following quotes are taken from interviews M held with B in 2014-15. Both M and B are LDS and they used that fact to explore several themes that I've seen in my interviews with LDS people about making evaluative decisions as individuals, in families, in church councils, in work settings, and more. The interviews themselves are available here . Many others are available in the first blog post in August 2017. B: In our marriage, the decision came from the basis that husband and wife are equal and therefore they should have equal say in the decisions. It has never mattered that I'm the wage-earner in our home and that essentially 100% of our income comes from me. It isn't my money and her money. It is our money. And therefore I have no more power in my voice than she does in terms of how we choose to spend the money, because we are equal. And that's been the policy ever since the beginning because I think that's how God wants it to be. At least...